Monday, September 24, 2012

October's Craft Night - October 18th

Thanks to everyone who came to our craft night on Friday. With a smaller crowd than I was expecting, we still made $95 for cute little McKayla and a full box of food for the food bank. I heard McKayla's sweet hair is starting to fall out today. :( Keep her in your prayers!!! You can see her updates and donate directly here:

For October's craft night we are going to raise money for McKayla again. The next one I do after that will be for another cause (if you know of someone who really needs it let me know.)

Craft night will be October 18th from 6:30 - 10:00 p.m. in my garage. If it is cold I will heat it.

These crafts are SUPER easy and don't require any skills! Seriously! Anyone could get all 4 done in probably an hour (unless you are a talker--it will probably take you 2!)

Please "vote" on the right for the crafts you are planning to do so I know how much material to get.

2x4 Pumpkins- Set of 3. Cost $3.50 Time to complete - 15 minutes

Be ye thankful plaque. Cost $3.50. Time to complete - 20 minutes

Burlap Pumpkin. Cost $3.00. Time to complete - 5 minutes!

Leaf Frame. Cost $2.50. Time to complete - 10 minutes!

Leftovers from last time will be completed and available for sale at the next craft night or before if you come see me. Proceeds for these will go to McKayla as well.

Any comments or suggestions? I NEED help advertising. Anyone have ideas or are willing to help?


  1. I want to do the 2x4 pumpkins and the leaf frame. Friday was a good day.

  2. I want to do them all. :) Just don't know if I can.
